Sunday, May 24, 2009

Keeping a Promise... blog regularly about life.

(1) I have officially received my Teaching Certification, and will be applying for a position on Tuesday or Wednesday. Pray for the patience and wisdom to select the right job.

(2) Becky and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary this weekend with a nice get-away to Lake Erie. 10 years! (That's right Byron, 10 years since you married us) It was a great time of remembering all the reasons we are in love and maybe the happiest couple ever, to the envy of everyone we know.

(3) Along with the 10th anniversary, comes an announcement of a new Heffner on the way, due Mid-December! Since we have now established a pattern of moving and having a baby within a few months, we have decided...not to ever move again. Unless we are in our mid 40's and "move" by accident. (Head nod to Warren)

(4) So much work to do on the house, so little time, and no help on projects that need at least three hands results in a good bit of frustration. I've got 24 sheets of drywall that I am praying will hang themselves.

(5) In the end, we are doing well, and would love to hear from any of you. Leave a comment, and I promise i will respond. Do it quick, because that offer expires once I get a job!



Sandra said...

A BABY?! How exciting! What a big year for you guys!

Elizabeth said...

I'm very glad to hear all this news! If I could help with #4 more I would. I know you loved the paint job Karen and I did on your office, and the decorations. And I certainly could help with drywall, I've done it enough. :D

Byron Harvey said...

10 years? Where has the time GONE? I still tell the story about the fun we had at your wedding reception ("Wuv, TWU wuv..."). It seems like just yesterday when I was cocking my eyebrow at the length of your engagement (a year and a half or more, right? I STILL say that's too long!). And now, another little Heffner on the way. Wow. Thanks for having one more kid; I'm sure you did so because you did want to name ONE child "Byron". Really. 20 bucks if you do.

Sheesh, you'd think SOMEBODY would take me up on it...

Hefe said...

To Sandra...
A big year is like an understatement, huh? But it's all because God is good and gracious.

To Elizabeth...
The invitation is open to come paint and drywall anytime! I'll double your pay from last time.

To Byron...
$20? I think the asking price is a liitttle higher than that. I'l confer with Becky and we'll come up with an offer. And a year and a half IS too long.

Unknown said...

Wow, it's been so long, I don't know if I can remember how to do this. :) Hey! You deserved that one.

I have been away at the farm, but congrats on your new little bundle on the way. So, why did you hide it in here? Why not in glaring lights on Facebook?

I would love to have been present for the Princess Bride moment mentioned above. Classic! :D

Hefe's Chick said...

I'll take this one!
It hasn't been in glaring lights on FB yet b/c I'm torturing Elizabeth... she's been dying to have people to talk to about it, but I've made her wait. And then Andrew went and posted this, so I thought it would be fun to just continue the mysteriousness by alluding to the news instead of outright saying it!

Excited to catch up with you when you come out with the mission team!

- B