Monday, January 14, 2008

Core Values

Doxa Church started as a dream of a church where several things that we see as significant deficits of the current evangelical church were done right. We called these our Core Values. Now, having been through Boot Camp and multiple assessments, our core values have shifted and become better focused on the mission of the church. But we still see these as foundational to our vision and identity, and indeed to the Church as she is meant to be. They are, in all of their ridiculously alliterated glory:

(1) Masculine Leadership
(2) Meaningful Membership
(3) Missional Relationships

IN the coming weeks, SR or I will create a series of posts to flesh these out and open up discussion about what we mean by these ideas. For now, if you have any initial thoughts, feel free to add a point of interest.


Byron Harvey said...

"Meaningful Membership" will lessen your numbers as to members, but it will increase your effectiveness as the body of Christ. Don't back off this one, as tempting as it will prove to be.

Hefe said...

Congratulations on being the first ever DOXA commentor! If we had a top commentors counter, I would hope you would be at the top ;)

As for the numbers thing, I think we're both pretty over the "church growth" numbers stuff. Not that it's not important, but not at the expense of true community. As Mark Driscoll says, and I think rightfully, if the church is the body of Christ then the most important part is the colon. The back door is as important as the front door.