Saturday, January 19, 2008

Core Value #1

At our church planting Boot Camp (hosted by some really out of place guys in the SBC), we were challenged to come up with a set of core values that would serve as the identity of our church. SR and I, being a little uuhh, off kilter, came up with an alternate list of about 40 core values that are of great importance to us. I would like to present the first. It was initially around #23, but I believe we would both agree that it deserves to be moved to the very top of the list of ones that didn't quite make the cut.

CORE VALUE #1: New Member Lemon Law

I hear the amens already...

P.S. I have learned of a grave issue that I feel must be worked out here. It has come to my attention that my friend SR, has the disturbing an un-American quality of not liking cake. I'm not sure how to deal with this, but maybe I should have seen it coming. He is Canadian after all. Sheesh.

1 comment:

SR said...

Let them eat cake! I sure don't want to. And oh yeah... new member lemon law! Amen! Definitely my favorite, and one that needs to be instituted in every church. Gotta love the colon.