Saturday, April 12, 2008

Kids Say the Truest Things...

Out as dinner last night, during a house showing. (BTW, that was really quick - third day on the market! Hopefully that is a good sign.) We went to one of our favorite Deli's, called Isaac's. My daughter Elana, and my son, who is also named Isaac, were with us. And no, they don't give a discount if you are named Isaac. Bummer...

Anyway, Elana randomly asks this question about why some people don't go to church, even if they are Christians. Very astute question for a 6 year old. My wife fielded that one very gracefully, explaining that some people just don't understand that it is important to go to church, and so they just don't make an effort to be there regularly. That's when my son Isaac (who is 3 years old) pipes up and says, "Yeah, and that makes Jesus mad!"

Along with the pride I felt, I had my Mark Driscoll moment. I thought to myself, "Dude, my 3 year old has a better grasp of church than most church members I know. Maybe he should be our first deacon!" Anyway, listen to Isaac - go to church. You can be a Christian without it, but you can't be a very good one...

1 comment:

Byron Harvey said...

"You can be a Christian without (church), but you can't be a very good one." Hmmm...that sounds very familiar... :)