Sunday, May 24, 2009

Keeping a Promise... blog regularly about life.

(1) I have officially received my Teaching Certification, and will be applying for a position on Tuesday or Wednesday. Pray for the patience and wisdom to select the right job.

(2) Becky and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary this weekend with a nice get-away to Lake Erie. 10 years! (That's right Byron, 10 years since you married us) It was a great time of remembering all the reasons we are in love and maybe the happiest couple ever, to the envy of everyone we know.

(3) Along with the 10th anniversary, comes an announcement of a new Heffner on the way, due Mid-December! Since we have now established a pattern of moving and having a baby within a few months, we have decided...not to ever move again. Unless we are in our mid 40's and "move" by accident. (Head nod to Warren)

(4) So much work to do on the house, so little time, and no help on projects that need at least three hands results in a good bit of frustration. I've got 24 sheets of drywall that I am praying will hang themselves.

(5) In the end, we are doing well, and would love to hear from any of you. Leave a comment, and I promise i will respond. Do it quick, because that offer expires once I get a job!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another post, I know you're amazed!

So, for those of you who have been following you're probably sitting in front of your computer with your mouth hanging open.  Get used to it.  Well, Nannette and I are currently thankful that the Heffners are getting settled in their own house.  Its spring, so the Russells have been working on getting some landscaping done on the house.  Many of our inside projects have been postponed in order to get the outside work done.

Work has been really busy lately.  I've been working on all of the summer reading projects ( adults, teens and kids) and the new teen website that should be going live at the end of may.  I'm looking forward to the summer coming and things hopefully slowing down a little.  I got to close out a few projects this week, so that helped things.

Nannette's Dad seems to be recovering well from bypass surgery.  We got to seem him a couple times in the past couple weeks, and each time he looks progressively more like himself.  Its definitely been hard on him to not be able to do all the work he's been used to doing.

I got to check out a local coffee house recently and hoping to start contributing to their open mic night, and get to know some local musicians.  It was a nice place and had a pretty good vibe.  I'm hoping to go back soon and check out the open mic night.  There are a couple open mic nights in a relatively close area to us, and I'm hoping that through those we'll be able to get involved in the local music community.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

WOW another update!

Hey all,

Well, as you may already know, Becky and I are into our new house! It is wonderful, except for the surprise plumbing problems... Most of the boxes are unpacked, and we are settling in nicely. I have also finally finished my graduate work at the University of Pittsburgh, and have now graduated with a 4.0 and a certification to teach High School Physics. Now, it's time to find a job. That would be nice before we run out of money!

Speaking of money, WOW, April was expensive...
Dentist Office for tooth pain $220
Plumber to clean sewer pipes $175
"Extra Charge" on Insurance $210
Moving Trucks $220
Getting Groceries for new house $350
Oxygen Sensor on car $230
Home Depot to fix leaky and broken stuff $340

In the midst of all of this, I especially want to thank those who have financially supported us in the last few months. It went a long way in paying for some of these items. When you only have $2000/mo to live on in a high cost of living area, every little bit counts... THANK YOU!

BTW, I have a new site to share with all of you who still occasionally check on this very sparsely updated blog. is a site where we will regularly update about church stuff. This site is going to mainly become for personal updates, and you can expect both to be updated once a week from now on by either Steve or me. There, that's out there, now we have to do it.
